Sunday, July 25, 2021

Quotes from McSwite on the virtue of discourse

I tweeted this, but I want to capture it here--just a couple of quotes from O.C. McSwite. 

"We can say, though, that good is generated through discourse, through grounding action in shared symbolic texts. Because the symbolic order can produce no final definitions or answers, discourse, or the process of talking about the issues and questions involved in action, is the only possibility. If we realize and accept this, as a psychoanalytic perspective enables us to do, then the inevitable indefiniteness of systems of discourse—such as any ethical system one wants to name—becomes acceptable."  (The Problem of Evil, 2006)

"The question, then, is how to bring the vast resources of the unconscious mind--and it is the source of the fundamentally new, to which I referred earlier--into play in our conscious discourse. This cannot be done, for logical reasons that seem to me to be rather obvious, through any conscious act. It has to happen implicitly. All we can do consciously is open a venue for it, and this is done by constituting relationships among people in discourse that maintains a certain amount of psychological space."  (On the Discourse Movement--A Self Interview, 2000)

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